eLitmus Study Material eLitmus Syllabus for pH Test eLitmus

There are 3 Sections of an eLitmus pH Test Paper and each section contains 20 Questions. We will discuss the "syllabus of Elitmus" based on each section.

 Quantitative Aptitude:
 Problem Solving or Data Interpretation and Reasoning
 Verbal Ability

There are 20 Questions in each section.
To go through every aspect of eLitmus you can visit the following Links:
1. Click Here For eLitmus Syllabus:

2. eLitmus Solved Question paper for Quantitative Aptitude is available at :

3.  eLitmus asks a really good questions where you are given a multiplication / addition of Alphabets and you have to find the Numerical Value that each alphabet represents.
These eLitmus Questions are called Cryptarithmetic Questions.
For More detail Click on  How to solve Cryptarithmetic Problems .

4.  Here is another Cryptarithmetic Question with step by step explanation:

5. Here is an awesome Article on How to prepare for eLitmus . It tries to answer every Question that a new candidate can have related to eLitmus.

6. Here is One More eLitmus pH Test paper with solution. The Questions are discussed in detail for candidates to grasp and prepare well for eLitmus.

7. Besides that , Here is a huge Collection of eLitmus Questions. eLitmus Questions Collection  based on Number System.

8.  eLitmus pH Test has a lot of Questions from probability. So, Here are more that 10 eLitmus Probability Questions.

9.  The eLitmus ph Test has a lot of questions from Logical Reasoning which contains puzzles too.Here are more than 25 Logical Reasoning Questions .

10. Number System is an integral part of any aptitude test and is very importatn . Here are some eLitmus Number System Questions (4) to help students prepare for eLimus.

11.  pH Test also contains Questions based on Geometry... Here is a list of questions for eLitmus Geometry Questions.


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  3. I just created new post on Elitmus. Check the updated Elitmus Syllabus 2017 atElitmus Syllabus 2017


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